2023 Bitcoin Node Performance Tests

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. “Given that the strongest security model a user can obtain in a public permissionless crypto asset network is to fully validate the entire history themselves, I think it’s important that we keep…

GrapheneOS v2023123000: Android Auto Support

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. “Android Auto support for our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer has been merged into GrapheneOS…””The implementation uses the compatibility layer to eliminate most of the special privileges that are usually required. It…

NDK v2.3.2: One-liner Relay Authentication, Easy Media Uploads & More

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. What’s new NIP-42 Support: One-liner relay authentication;NIP-96 Support: Very easy media uploads;[partial] NIP-29: Simple Groups;Make Zaps more fault-tolerant (thanks dr. calle);Easier/better NIP-31 support (just `event.alt = “this is …”`)Some last touches on the…

Whirlpool Unspent Capacity Surpasses 10000 BTC

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. “Filterooors in disbelief. 10,000 BTC Whirlpool unspent capacity,” wrote @Samourai Wallet on X.”Celebrate the 10K BTC milestone with us! Use discount code FILTERTHIS and get 50% off all Whirlpool mixing fees for…

MicroStrategy Picked Up 14620 BTC to End The Year

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. “During the period between November 30, 2023 and December 26, 2023, MicroStrategy, together with its subsidiaries, acquired approximately 14,620 bitcoins for approximately $615.7 million in cash, at an average price of approximately…

Economically Unspendable Bitcoin UTXO Calculator

No Bullshit Bitcoin is funded by our community. “Given the recent rise in transaction fees, it seems timely to introduce a somewhat new concept when it comes to UTXO management – the economically unspendable UTXO,” wrote Jameson Lopp.“An economically unspendable…